Sunday, January 20, 2008


Quick update on the weekend. So far we (two kids and I) are all still alive in wife's absence. This is no small accomplishment in my book, so I will pat myself on the back (with my good arm). Speaking of which, the MRI showed no tears or serious damage. The diagnosis was tendonosis and some other minor irritations and/or degenerations. Treatment? A shot of cordisone and physical therapy. Thanks a lot. It still hurts. Yet another case of me going to an orthopedist and having zippo done to actually correct a problem. The previous two relate to a finger I dislocated playing football more than two years ago (still stiff and sore) and a bone that is broken in my wrist for the last 20 years. Yes, I have had a broken wrist for the last 20 years and I will, apparently, until the day I die. Stop by and I'll show you the x-ray.

SNGs are going pretty well these days. I won 2 of 3 last night. I finished one spot out of the money in the third. The first one I knocked out all of the other 5 players. I think that was a first for me. I only played one on Friday and that was a win too.

I'm in the process of looking for an inexpensive yet still decent mp3 player for my son. I think I've narrowed it down to either the Sansa Clip 1GB that I can get for $38 and change at WalMart or a Sony B105 2GB that is on sale, starting today, at Staples for 39.99. That seems like kind of a good deal to me. Apparently the Sony not only has a FM receiver (as does the clip), but you can record the radio too. I don't see this being used an awful lot, but it's nice just in case. Plus twice the memory.

Frankly I hate pulling the trigger on this kind of thing because I know I'll find a better deal on a better player two days later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Think alternative medicine.